You must consent before you can proceed.
If you are a school and are submitting school returns, please note your account already exists. Please contact with your roll number to obtain your account details.
As a user of the Tusla Portal please confirm by ticking the box below that you consent to Tusla processing your personal and/or sensitive personal data in compliance with current applicable data protection
Tusla web portal data privacy statement.
As a Tusla Portal user you have a responsibility to submit valid and truthful data. If it transpires that a report you
submit is false, malicious, vexatious, or frivolous, Tusla reserves the right to deny you access to the Portal and may be required to make a complaint to An Garda Siochana under section 5 of the Protections For Persons
Abuse Act, 1998.
Problem creating your Portal account
We encountered a problem when trying to create your Portal account.
We've sent you an email on how to resolve this issue.
Please correct the following requirements
- Fields highlighted in red are required.
- The email addresses entered do not match.
- The passwords entered do not match.
- The password does not meet the complexity requirements.
- The email address entered is not valid.
Email Address and Password
Your password must include at least one:
Please correct the following requirements
- Fields highlighted in red are required.
- At least one submission type must be selected.
- The email address entered is not valid.
Business Details
Click the Register button to create your Portal account.